Why this?
Why this? Is most definitely a fitting title for this game. That's the question I kept asking myself while playing it: Why this game? Why did it make the front page?
The character movement speed was dreadful (lots of that going around), and the story was so underdeveloped that is was nonsensical, even comical.
And I assume that at that fountain (or whatever the hell it is) once the countdown reaches zero, something happens. But may I propose that 8,000 is too big a number to start with? Because damn, man, do the math! That's over two hours of waiting, being forced to listen to the slightly annoying music (no mute). Unless there are people raving about what happens when that fountain goes off in the comments, I'm not going to leave any game running for that long.
Sorry, but it was just abysmal. Who chooses the front page these days?